E-Commerce Specialist Job Vacancy in Avani Eco Denpasar – Updated today
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We got a New Job Opening for
Full Details :
Company Name : Avani Eco
Location : Denpasar
Position :
Job Description : Main Tasks and Responsibilities: – Write and edit product content that will be published on e-Commerce websites/portals.- Providing a quick and clear response in every single question from customers on eCommerce platforms.- Set standards, systems, and best practices for new product listings, content creation, distribution, and maintenance.- Work closely with different teams to provide updated content that will be shared across e-Commerce platforms and ensure smooth order fulfillment.- Providing insights on customer shopping trends to support assortment selection and identify assortment gaps.- Monitor changes in product sales by using web analytics and Excel spreadsheets (pivot tables, vlookups, etc.) to stay organized.- Do other task assigned by management.Job Requirements: – Fluent in English both oral and written.- Minimum of 2+ years’ experience in a fast-paced, e-Commerce business.- Hands-on experience in managing and maintaining e-Commerce websites/portals.- Knowledgeable of the e-Commerce space that includes marketing strategies, product development, competitive strategies, consumer research, industry trends and usability best practices.- Knowledge of various platforms and online sales strategies and can be used to conduct digital sales or website conversions.- Familiarity with web design and a keen eye to detail.- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills- Analytical and multitasking skills.Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh WaktuGaji: Rp3.000.000 – Rp4.000.000 per bulanPendidikan:S1 (Diutamakan)Pengalaman:handling e-commerce business: 2 tahun (Diwajibkan)Bahasa:English (Diwajibkan)Bekerja dari Jauh:Tidak
This post is listed Under Digital Marketing
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