Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor / Professor / Professor of practice Job Vacancy in Krea University Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh – Latest Jobs in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh

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We got a New Job Opening for

Full Details :
Company Name :
Krea University
Location : Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh
Position :

Job Description : Department: Finance, Quantitative Finance, DS &IS, Environment, Sustainability and Governance
Job Location: IFMR GSB, Sri City Campus: # 5655, Central Express Way Sector 24, Sri City Chittoor – 517 646, A.P
Educational Qualification:
For Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor: PhD in relevant area from a reputed institute with good consistent academic record.
For Professor of Practice position: Masters from a reputed institute with relevant industry experience
Industry and Teaching experience in relevant fields will be preferred
Salary: As per the University policy
Who can apply: We are looking for applicants who hold a PhD in relevant area from a reputable university with passion for teaching,quality research in the form of published/accepted journal papers/conference proceedings, engage in institution development and undertake consultancy.
Responsibilities: The faculty member will be responsible for teaching MBA,PhD and Executive Education courses in Finance, Quantitative Finance, DS &IS, Environment, Sustainability and Governance
Job Description: The faculty member will be responsible for teaching MBA,PhD, Executive Education courses, publish in research journals, participate in academic activities such as supervising student research work, and engage in professional activities including presenting research papers in academic conferences.
Application requirements:
Please send an email to [email protected] with cc to [email protected] with the following documents:
A cover letter introducing yourself and your interest in IFMR GSB, Krea University.
Long form Curriculum Vitae.
Short biography (maximum one page, approx. 300 words).
Statement of your teaching approach and courses taught.
Course evaluations (if available).
Statement of research trajectory.
Sample of writing.
Reference letters (minimum of 3) – Letter of reference should be directly emailed to
[email protected]with cc to [email protected]with the subject line [Reference_ ]

This post is listed Under  Assistant

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