Student Worker Job Vacancy in County of Dutchess Haryana – Latest Jobs in Haryana – updated today

Are you looking for a New Job or Looking for better opportunities?
We got a New Job Opening for

Full Details :
Company Name :
County of Dutchess
Location : Haryana
Position : Student Worker

Job Description : Seasonal Student Worker Program
2022 Summer Season

These positions are for students that are either: (A) Dutchess County residents entering or attending a

college/university; OR (B) non-Dutchess County residents entering or attending a college/university located in

Dutchess County.
All Candidates must be at least eighteen (18) years of age at time of application
• All positions will require fingerprinting. Fingerprint information will be given when a conditional job

offer is made.
• In order to apply, you will need to go to to submit an on-line application

AND you need to complete and e-mail this form to

Name: Date:
E-mail: Phone #:
Attached is a brief description of the various assignments. Please review all the available positions and then

indicate in the boxes below your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice areas of interest.
If you have any questions, contact the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources, 22 Market Street,

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, +91-XXXXXXXXXX.
Department of Public Works:
Buildings Architectural
Parks Education
Department of Planning & Development:
Department of Behavioral and Community Health (DBCH):
Environmental Health
Office Clerical:
Office for the Aging
Dept. of Human Resources
Wilcox Park (Town of Milan)

Parks Bowdoin Park (Town of Wappinger Falls)
Dept. of Community & Family

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Seasonal Student Worker Assignment Descriptions and Rates
DPW – Buildings (Architectural) Salary: $14.00/hr. Location: Poughkeepsie
Assists with field measurements and the creation and/or organization of digital drawings and specifications.

Assist with organization of paper documentation of building plans and specifications. Attends meetings for

design and construction. Individual should be pursuing a degree in Architecture or Engineering. Individual

must possess valid NYS driver license.
Parks Education Salary: $14.00/hr Location: Bowdoin Park

Assigned to Bowdoin Park to assist Park Naturalists with prepping for and running summer programs.
DBCH Environmental Health Aide Salary: $13.50/hr. Location: Poughkeepsie

Involves collecting water samples (public water systems, bathing beaches, etc.) and enters sampling data

into computer. May participate in other projects as needed, including digitizing records. Should be pursuing

a degree in science; i.e., chemistry, biology, with preliminary science course work having been completed;

an ability to work independently.
Individual must possess NYS driver license as well as possession of a car, as extensive field work is required.
Office Clerical – Salary: $13.50/hr. Location: Various

Wilcox: Collect fees at gate, from Mini Golf and boat rentals; take

reservations on weekends.
Parks Bowdoin Park: assist Parks Secretary in office with reservations,

answer telephones and assist with customers.
Involves providing routine clerical support services including

Office for the Aging keyboarding, filing and data management; Senior Picnic program
setup/take, collect payment at picnics and surveys.
Involves providing routine clerical support services including

Dept. of Human Resources keyboarding, filing and data management.
Involves providing routine clerical support services including

Dept. of Community & Family Services keyboarding, filing and data management; assisting with
Foster Care picnic, Youth Summit and other activities.
Planning – Salary: $14.00/hr. Location: Poughkeepsie Area

Provides assistance in the program areas of Community Development and Housing, Planning (land use,

demographics, related trends, etc.), GIS and transportation.
Requires college sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student in the field of planning, urban studies,

architecture, geography, transportation, housing, political science, community development or natural

(environmental) resources.
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This post is listed Under Jobs in general jobs

Post Tags : , Haryana, jobs in Haryana, Student Worker jobs in Haryana

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