Teacher Social Studies Job Vacancy in Gladstone School District Gladstone, OR 97027 – Latest Jobs in Gladstone, OR 97027

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Full Details :
Company Name :
Gladstone School District
Location : Gladstone, OR 97027
Position : Teacher Social Studies

Job Description : Gladstone School District has an opening for a Teacher – Social Studies – beginning in the 2022-23 school year.
Application Deadline: March 28, 2022
Start Date: August 2022
Work Year: Academic Year (Full Contract is 194 Days; FTE 1.00)
Supervised By: Building Administrator or Designee
Classification: Licensed – Salaried
Per the Governor’s Executive Order, proof of the COVID-19 vaccine is required for all school employees as of October 19, 2021. The only exceptions to this rule are for Religious or Medical reasons. To request an exception please contact Tammy Tracy in HR at tracyt@gladstone.k12.or.us
Gladstone School District offers a comprehensive benefit package. Placement is per contract – http://gladstone.k12.or.us/district-departments/human-resources-dept/
Job Goal:
To actively engage in or assist in the teaching of students, leading them toward the fulfillment of their potential for intellectual, physical, emotional and psychological growth and maturation.
Minimum Qualifications:
Valid Oregon teacher license acceptable to Teacher Standards and Practices Commission for position assignment.
Satisfactorily perform the requirements of the position as described in the job description.
Possess the emotional and physical stamina to perform duties as required by the designated task except for temporary disability.
Social Studies endorsements or able to obtain.
Essential Functions:
Regular attendance and punctuality.
Develops and maintains a classroom environment conducive to effective learning.
Plans a program of study that, as much as possible, meets the individual needs, interests and abilities of students.
Make appropriate application of learning theory, and employs a variety of instructional techniques and instructional media consistent with capabilities of the individuals of student groups involved.
Assesses the accomplishments of students on a regular basis, and uses the identified student needs to plan instruction, and maintains such records as required by law and by district policy.
Takes all reasonable precautions to provide for health and safety of the students and to protect equipment, material and facilities.
Works to establish and maintain open lines of communication with staff, students and their parents concerning both the broad academic and behavioral progress of students.
Assists in determining and evaluating educational goals consistent with district philosophy and strives to implement those goals by instruction and action.
Cooperates with other members of the staff in planning instructional goals, objectives and methods, and the development of district curriculum, and its implementation in the classroom.
Assists in the selection of books, equipment and other instructional materials.
Assists the administration in implementing policies and rules governing student conduct.
Attends and participates in faculty meetings.
Attends meetings and carries out co-curricular activities, serves on school and district committees upon request.
Strives to achieve professional growth through an ongoing program designed to supplement and enhance teacher ability.
Supervises students in and out of classroom.
Be familiar with respective building philosophy.
Assist in preparing budget and instructional material requests for inclusion in the district budget.
Attend all school assemblies held during the day unless excused by the principal.
Carry out specifically assigned extra curricular program, including chaperoning school social functions, advise student activity groups, class advisor, and attendance during school functions.
Be knowledgeable on state and federal laws and school district policies affecting curriculum and/or instruction in the classroom.
Carry out any other duties assigned, which are job related upon administrative request.
Other duties as assigned.
Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Successful completion of required educational program related to assignment.
Ability to manage multiple tasks as appropriate.
Demonstration of ability to manage student behavior and maintain an environment conducive to learning.

This post is listed Under Jobs in General Category

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